Author: thetechchef

Richard stands in front of some of the shelves holding the Oregon Collection at the Carnegie library

The Oregon Collection

The Albany Public Library has long maintained a group of books called the Oregon Collection. These books, all dealing with some aspect of our home state, are entered in the library catalog, but they cannot be checked out: they must be examined in the library. Several years ago, the collection was moved to the Carnegie…
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Front Steps

It’s often the little things that count. Your APL Foundation noted that the Carnegie’s front steps were looking a bit careworn. So we had Fitzpatrick Painting come and power wash the steps and repaint them. Nothing fancy, but they do look snappier. Yes, they did become a little bit slippery, in this wet weather, but…
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An interior shot of the adult book section in the Albany, Oregon Carnegie library. Provided by a member of the Albany Public Library Foundation Board.

The Modern Travelers Club and the Albany Public Library

By Barbara Krochta In February 1898, a group of eight Albany women established a study club for the purpose of pursuing a “light course of study,” as well as pleasant social interaction with friends. The membership of the new Modern Travelers Club soon consisted of 30 women, who met in the homes of members. Each…
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Las Vegas, NM Carnegie Library

Viva Las Vegas!

Viva Las Vegas! Not that flimflam in Nevada, but the charming railroad town in New Mexico. A small city about the size of Astoria, Las Vegas, like Albany (and Astoria!), contains a treasure trove of historical architecture, both residential and commercial. Among the gems are the railroad-built Castañeda Hotel (1898), the Queen Anne-style Louis Fort…
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A bust of Shakespeare at the Al;bany Oregon Carnegie brand library.

Letter to the Albany City Council

Dear Councilperson, On behalf of the board of directors of the Albany Public Library Foundation, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce—or re-introduce—you, and the members of the Albany City Council, to the Foundation. The Albany Pubic Library Foundation is a private organization created to help maintain and sustain the downtown or Carnegie…
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A Visit to the Carnegie

If you are looking for beauty in downtown Albany, visit the Carnegie Library. This wonderful old building stores books, of course, books for the citizens of Albany to check out and read at their leisure. But the Carnegie can also lend, to anyone who enters, a relaxed mood to take home and a pleasant memory…
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